THIS year, I figured, well Mrs. Schmidt is done with chemo/radiation and cancer-free, THANK THE LORD! BUT, we should still help her, because no one should have to do all the work alone. So I had 6 teenagers show up last week to help her AGAIN and they got a ton of stuff done...what's more miraculous and cool is that I was chatting with a few teens and I said that I would be up at the school all day on my day off and they said "Oh! Can we come help, too?!" So I had 3 teens show up again yesterday!
But wait, doesn't stop there. AFTER I get home, I receive a text from one of the teens that says "Hey, Kelsey. Does Mrs. Schmidt need more help at the middle school library 'cuz I would love to help again."
Seriously. Teens, you are blowing me away. Every time I see and hear stuff like this, I realize I found the job I'm supposed to do. I'm so sorry teens get overlooked and made to feel inferior. They do GREAT things.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures while we were working, but first, here is the wonderful and beautiful Mrs. Schmidt:

Thank you guys for all the amazing
stuff you do. Can't wait to reward you with cool programs all summer!
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