

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Helping at NMS

I wanted to brag a little about the teens that do all kinds of things for me, the library, and Mrs. Schmidt.  Last year, a lot of you know that Mrs. Schmidt, the NMS Librarian was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Because of that, she missed a LOT of school and needed help to get the end of the year inventory and other projects.  I had a TON of teenagers step up to the plate and help with all of those projects.  They helped Mrs. Schmidt get stuff done WEEKS before she can usually finish on her own.

THIS year, I figured, well Mrs. Schmidt is done with chemo/radiation and cancer-free, THANK THE LORD! BUT, we should still help her, because no one should have to do all the work alone.  So I had 6 teenagers show up last week to help her AGAIN and they got a ton of stuff done...what's more miraculous and cool is that I was chatting with a few teens and I said that I would be up at the school all day on my day off and they said "Oh! Can we come help, too?!" So I had 3 teens show up again yesterday! 

But wait, doesn't stop there.  AFTER I get home, I receive a text from one of the teens that says "Hey, Kelsey. Does Mrs. Schmidt need more help at the middle school library 'cuz I would love to help again."

Seriously.  Teens, you are blowing me away.  Every time I see and hear stuff like this, I realize I found the job I'm supposed to do.  I'm so sorry teens get overlooked and made to feel inferior.  They do GREAT things.  

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures while we were working, but first, here is the wonderful and beautiful Mrs. Schmidt:




Lily and Regan




Thank you guys for all the amazing stuff you do.  Can't wait to reward you with cool programs all summer!

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