Aimee Carter

Kitty lives in a futuristic world, where every citizen takes a test at 17 that determines their rank in society from 1-7, 1 being the lowest. Generally, citizens receive a IV or V that puts them at a normal working class rank. But Kitty chokes--her test takes longer than she thought, and she only receives a III. Sure her boyfriend will get a IV or V, Kitty decides to join the nightlight, selling her body to make money until her boyfriend can move out and they can be together.
But on her first night, Kitty is auctioned off and won by none other than the Prime Minister. He offers her a deal. She can become a VII, the highest rank (only the ruling family has this number) if she decides in 10 seconds....10...9...8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1...
She takes the deal without realizing what it will cost. A needle is plunged into her arm, and when she comes to, she realizes her face and body is not her own. She has been "masked," surgically altered to look identical to the Prime Minister's niece who "mysteriously" died the week before. Kitty must live this new life and do exactly what the Prime Minister says or face death. When Kitty realizes all the lies the government has been spreading and the unfairness of the ranking test, Kitty must decide if she will continue lying to the people, or stand up for what's right, even if it means she may end up dead.
This series is a pretty short read compared to books like The Maze Runner and Divergent, but just as good. Carter is able to put the whole story, with details and explanations in 300 pages. Kitty is a strong, independent girl, who only gets stronger and more independent as the book progresses.
Kitty's new identity, Lila, is a huge role to fill. And Lila's mother is a force to be reckoned with. Kitty does a great job trying to figure out who she can trust, and who is out to get her. Instead of blindly accepting everything she is told because the person shows her compassion, she truly judges the information to decide if the situation, and the person, is trustworthy.
MCPL has the second book, and I am interested to see what will happen after the crazy plot twist at the end of book 1!
Book #2:

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