

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Book Review: Lock In

This book is an adult science fiction story, but reads very easily and would certainly entertain any teenagers in love with science fiction, robots, and murder/mysteries.

For Fans of:
Robopocalypse, Daniel Wilson
Author, Mira Grant
Children of Men, P.D. James
The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick

Lock In
John Scalzi
Lock In
Goodreads Summary:
Fifteen years from now, a new virus sweeps the globe. 95% of those afflicted experience nothing worse than fever and headaches. Four percent suffer acute meningitis, creating the largest medical crisis in history. And one percent find themselves “locked in”—fully awake and aware, but unable to move or respond to stimulus.

One per cent doesn't seem like a lot. But in the United States, that's 1.7 million people “locked in”...including the President's wife and daughter.

Spurred by grief and the sheer magnitude of the suffering, America undertakes a massive scientific initiative. Nothing can restore the ability to control their own bodies to the locked in. But then two new technologies emerge. One is a virtual-reality environment, “The Agora,” in which the locked-in can interact with other humans, both locked-in and not. The other is the discovery that a few rare individuals have brains that are receptive to being controlled by others, meaning that from time to time, those who are locked in can “ride” these people and use their bodies as if they were their own.

This skill is quickly regulated, licensed, bonded, and controlled. Nothing can go wrong. Certainly nobody would be tempted to misuse it, for murder, for political power, or worse....

Lock In is an interesting tale of murder and intrigue with the addition of robots and a strange disease. In short, this book has everything.  There is a woven conspiracy that the reader will need to the whole book to unravel and discover who is behind the murder, and who will be killed next.  This story seems like your average mystery story, but Scalzi throws in the Lock In Disease, which, without it, the murder could not have happened.  

The inclusion of those individuals who have had the disease but survived is imperative--as some of these civilians are able to allow rich individuals to jump into their minds and control their bodies--with consent, of course.

This story kept me on my toes from beginning to end, and I love a good book where I try my darndest to figure out the mystery throughout the story, but can't until the last page.  This is a great Science Fiction story that I think will help teens transfer their reading from YA to Adult SciFi.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Book Review: Promised

Yep, read the third one immediately after the second. It was just so good!

Caragh M. O'Brien

Promised (Birthmarked, #3)

Gaia is now the Matrarc of Sylum. Leon is with her, and together they lead the 1,800 citizens of Sylum back to Enclave to overthrow the Protectorate and provide freedom for all.  When the group gets there, however, it's not so easy.

Gaia's friends are now her enemies, there is a blood bank to try to save the citizens from dying of hemophilia, and the worst--a Baby Factory, where surrogate mothers are forced to carry babies for the rich.

Gaia's small force must band together, along with allies inside the walls to bring down the dystopian government.

This is the last book of the Birthmarked Trilogy.  I actually liked the second story more, because there is more substance.  This last story is more fighting, and Gaia being betrayed by one person, then trusting another only to be betrayed by them, too.  It's a little redundant, but there are some redeeming qualities.

The reader finds out a LOT more about Leon--where he came from, how he was raised, and how much Gaia can truly trust him.  The love story is on simmer in this book, in comparison to the love square in the second story.

I think the reader will see a lot of confusion in Gaia as she tries to lead a new group of people and attempts to do the right thing--take over Enclave without any deaths.

I think that this story is pertinent to the trilogy, and in order to get the whole Birthmarked experience, you need to finish this one!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Star Wars Day #782

I found some funny Star Wars memes online that I felt the need to share...

For those who have seen Episode V: A New Hope
When Han, Luke, and Chewie go to rescue Leia, they get in a sticky situation.

C-3PO: [to R2-D2] No! Shut them *all* down, hurry!

For those who have seen Episode VI: The Empire Strikes BAck
Luke is stuck out in the treacherous snow and ice on Hoth.  The only way to save him when Han finds him is to cut open a Tauntaun and stick Luke in for warmth.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Book Review: Pawn

Another new series! I need to finish what I start, otherwise, I get sucked into a million new stories!

Aimee Carter
Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion, #1)

Kitty lives in a futuristic world, where every citizen takes a test at 17 that determines their rank in society from 1-7, 1 being the lowest.  Generally, citizens receive a IV or V that puts them at a normal working class rank. But Kitty chokes--her test takes longer than she thought, and she only receives a III.  Sure her boyfriend will get a IV or V, Kitty decides to join the nightlight, selling her body to make money until her boyfriend can move out and they can be together.

But on her first night, Kitty is auctioned off and won by none other than the Prime Minister.  He offers her a deal.  She can become a VII, the highest rank (only the ruling family has this number) if she decides in 10 seconds....10...9...8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1...

She takes the deal without realizing what it will cost.  A needle is plunged into her arm, and when she comes to, she realizes her face and body is not her own.  She has been "masked," surgically altered to look identical to the Prime Minister's niece who "mysteriously" died the week before.  Kitty must live this new life and do exactly what the Prime Minister says or face death.  When Kitty realizes all the lies the government has been spreading and the unfairness of the ranking test, Kitty must decide if she will continue lying to the people, or stand up for what's right, even if it means she may end up dead.

This series is a pretty short read compared to books like The Maze Runner and Divergent, but just as good.  Carter is able to put the whole story, with details and explanations in 300 pages.  Kitty is a strong, independent girl, who only gets stronger and more independent as the book progresses.

Kitty's new identity, Lila, is a huge role to fill.  And Lila's mother is a force to be reckoned with.  Kitty does a great job trying to figure out who she can trust, and who is out to get her.  Instead of blindly accepting everything she is told because the person shows her compassion, she truly judges the information to decide if the situation, and the person, is trustworthy.

MCPL has the second book, and I am interested to see what will happen after the crazy plot twist at the end of book 1!

Book #2:
Captive (The Blackcoat Rebellion, #2)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Superheroes Vs. Villains

Thank goodness the rain held off and we had another successful Nerf Gun war in Superheroes vs. Villains!  Thank you teens for running around all evening. Here is some of the fun:

 The gear...

Waiting for the rest of the players

 Round 1: The Villains

 Jesse the Superhero Destroyer

Regan and Taryn

 Morgan fleeing the scene

an alliance being made or broken?


Round 2: hostage sitatuation!

Round 1: Hannah has the flag!

Every man for himself!

The dead people chillin' out

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Book Review: Gathering Darkness

SQUEEEE!!!!!  I can't get enough of this series!!!

Gathering Darkness
Morgan Rhodes

Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms, #3)

Prince Magnus's father is lord over all Mytica.  His son and Princess Cleo have been forced into marriage to keep the land together.  Jonas leads the rebels, though a only a mere few remain.  The Watcher, Melenia is out to manipulate every pawn she can both in the Sanctuary and out.  Ashur and Amara, brother and sister from the land across the sea, Kraeshia are visiting, and no one has quite figured out their motive for their vacation, and the questions they have begun to ask about the kindred.

King Gaius now only needs the four crystals to rule with godlike powers, and his daughter, Lucia, is the only one who can help him find them.  As Lucia begins to tame her magic powers, Cleo shuffles in to befriend the girl.  Cleo, who has a Kindred ring is able to tame Lucia's power, but refuses to let her new-found friend find out it is due to a ring rather than Cleo, herself.  

As new bonds are formed, betrayals threaten to destroy the alliances the characters have fought so hard to create.  It comes down to a battle of time--who can collect all four crystals first.

I can't say it enough--Rhodes is a phenomenal writer.  Everything in her story is solid, tightly knit.  Each character stays IN character throughout the entire series.  Rhodes doesn't forget any detail with any character, which is quite an accomplishment, because there are so many!

Cleo and Magnus have the most interesting relationship, in my opinion.  The two hate each other, but have been forced into marriage.  Magnus's father has taken over Cleo's kingdom.  But while the two outwardly show their hatred towards one another, you slowly see them opening up to one another.  Magnus is not his cold, blood-thirsty father, and Cleo is more interested in forming a bond with Magnus than manipulating him.

The next book of this series doesn't come out until December 2015, but I hear Rhodes is creating a spin-off series that I'm pumped for!

The fourth book is:

Frozen Tides (Falling Kingdoms, #4)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Teen Comic Books and Fan Fiction

I had a great turn out for our Comic Book/Fan Fiction workshop on Tuesday! I had one person create a comic by hand, one create fan fiction from their favorite superheroes, and everyone else picked a website online to create their own comics.

If anyone is interested in trying these programs at home, the websites we used were:





Here are some pics:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Book Review: Doon

New series...of course I start a new one. This one is loosely based on the musical, Brigadoon...

Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon
Doon (Doon, #1) 

Veronica just saw her boyfriend flirting with another girl.  Her mother is dating a lazy, cruel new man and they both pretend Veronica is invisible.  She has been having visions of a handsome kilted Scottish boy.

When her best friend invites her to a summer vacation at her inherited Scotland cottage for free, Veronica can't say no.

Veronica packs up and heads to a small cottage near a mysterious bridge.  Within the cottage, Veronica finds a mysterious journal describing a parallel world that passes time much slower.  She also realizes that her mysterious kilted boy has followed her to Scotland.

When the girls find magical rings and cross the Bridge of Doon, they are transported to that fantasy island where they are taken to the princes of Doon.  When Veronica arrives, she realizes the oldest prince is the mysterious kilted boy from her visions.

Together, the girls and the princes must uncover the dark underbelly of Doon in order to save the island before it is destroyed by an evil sorceress bent on destroying Doon forever.

This is a pretty girly book, I will say that up front.  Veronica is in love with the idea of love, especially with the prince.  Her best friend, Mackenna, also is rocketed into love with the prince's brother.  However, the fantastical magic throughout the story is Earth shattering.  The girls act like 16 year old girls, so they do some pretty stupid stuff without thinking it through, which actually makes the story more believable.

The four main characters are connected on levels you don't find out until the end of the story, and you're left heartbroken when both Veronica and Mackenna make the ultimate sacrifices.

This is the first book of a new series...The second book is:
Destined for Doon (Doon, #2)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Meet a Veteran/Obstacle Course

We had some amazing veterans stop by the library and talk to our teens about their service.  We had:

Doug: Infantry during the Vietnam War
     Doug earned the Purple Heart during his service.  He is one of the most decorated soldiers in our area. Doug was drafted back in the 1960s and he was part of a recon unit, consisting of 5 guys, that would attempt to locate enemy supply areas.  They would then radio the location in for the Air Force to come take care of the job.  Doug mentions that it never happened that all 5 guys returned to base.

Mike: Navy during the Vietnam War
     Mike enlisted for the Army, and was assigned to the Navy to work in communications on board a minesweeper in the Pacific.  His job was to use Morse code to transfer messages to and from base.  The ship he was on would drop cables into the water to literally "sweep" the mines up before detonating and destroying American ships.

Drew: Air Force...everywhere
     Drew served in the Air Force and found himself all over the globe, from Somalia, to Yugoslavia, to Russia, to Iceland.  He met then president, Ronald Reagan during his tour overseas.

Aaron: Army Reserve & National Guard Medical Unit
     Aaron was our youngest Veteran, only 27.  He was trained in the medical field and served in the National Guard.  He worked in the hospitals to nurse soldiers back to health.  His training led him overseas to West Africa where he helped bring medical aid to civilians with Ebola.

Our Veterans had some great things to say, and I had a whopping 25 teens, and 7 parents/siblings! Below are pictures from our speakers and the obstacle course that took place, for fun, afterward!