I Am the Cheese
by Robert Cormier

Goodreads Summary:
Adam Farmer is on a journey - he has to get to Rutterburg with a parcel for his father. But as he travels, he starts to remember the events leading up to this point, memories which are also being prised out in gruelling psychiatric interviews. What is the secret of Adam Farmer? And what will happen when he finds out?
I Am the Cheese follows the life of Adam Farmer, a seemingly typical boy until we begin to unearth an anything but typical past. I like that the story goes back and forth between Adam's journey on his bike to his sessions with his therapist. The author doesn't reveal Adam's past all at once, instead he leaves us in suspense about what really happened.
The plot contains twists and turns that really make the reader think. The ending leaves you wondering what is reality and what is not.
--Hannah M., Age 17
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