A lot of people believe libraries exist solely to check out books and movies.

(Yes, I realize that "online" is not completely in this graphic. Blame Pinterest! :-P)
Those people are SORELY mistaken. I think I have written a similar blog post about this before, but I can't tell you enough how much more libraries can offer. Here are some things just our small town library offers the community:
safe space
study carrolls
research databases
Genealogy databases
one-on-one help using the library, research projects, finding materials
storytime and toddler time
Teen Craft Night
book clubs for ALL ages
outreach programs (at schools and Boys & Girls Club)
3rd Friday crafts and activities
Summer Reading Program
Teen Advisory Board
comfy furniture to relax and chat with your friends
Book Sale
Resume Builders
Babies & Books
Historical Room
Study rooms
amazing displays that you can contribute to
contests ongoing throughout the year
Online magazines
Free tax forms and booklets
Interlibrary Loan
Friendly staff
See? There are tons of things we have! Don't come JUST for the books--grab a coffee and some Internets as well!
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