

Thursday, September 24, 2015


There are a ton of reasons why I love when teenagers come in to the library and talk to me.  The other night was a PERFECT example.  Heather came in to meet with me to figure out how to read E-books on her Kindle--which that right there is amazing! You guys are always more than welcome to come down and visit and get my help on anything.

As we chit-chatted, she told me about Uppercase.  It's a monthly subscription you pay and each month you receive, in the mail, a box of untold YA literature goodies!

Here is one example:

 Each box generally comes with one book--either signed by the author or a signed bookplate and some book-ish paraphernalia like what is pictured here!

It's about $23 a month, which may seem like a lot, but keep in mind that a hardcover book is typically $17-$20 a piece and when you add an autograph it's even more expensive. PLUS you get other goodies! 

If interested, I highly suggest checking their website out! www.uppercasebox.com

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