Have you heard of King Henry VIII? Who couldn't keep a wife...he liked so many women, then he didn't, so he had them beheaded. He turned out to be a pretty cruel king. They made a TV show about him, The Tudors. One good thing from Henry VIII, his daughter was Queen Elizabeth I, one of the most incredible rulers of Great Britain! Check out this historical fiction story!
H.M. Castor
And just a cool little thing to share, I DID get to go to England a few years ago. I visited London for two days, and was able to capture some of this AMAZING history!

This is the castle in the middle of London, where King Henry VIII was taken as a boy. It now holds a TON of historic artifacts including the Crown Jewels!

The Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace, where Queen Elizabeth lives part of the time, and works most of the time

"The Rack": a torture device that stretches your limbs, basically until they pop off. I'm sure King Henry VIII used this.

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